• Email: info@shifrallc.com | 24/7 Emergency No: 623-282-0663
  • 7136 North 73rd Drive, Glendale, Arizona 85303
Your guide to an independent and fulfilled life

Promoting independence is at the heart of our approach at Ska-Shifra Behavioral Health Residential Facility. We firmly believe that fostering autonomy is crucial to mental and emotional well-being. To this end, our programs are designed to help individuals regain control over their lives, make informed decisions, and function as independently as possible.

We provide an environment that not only supports recovery but also strengthens an individual’s capacity for self-sufficiency. Our team cultivates resilience and self-confidence, teaching practical skills needed for everyday life. We believe that through guided practice and consistent support, individuals can make remarkable strides toward independence, leading to more fulfilling and enriched lives.

Connect with Us

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.